Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today I had a two and a half hour drive. I always think a lot while I am driving. Listening to Ashlyn and her imagination made me wonder....when do we stop having an imagination? When we are little, we have such big dreams and can imagine such amazing things for our lives. Although I don't think Ashlyn will be able to ride a purple flying unicorn to the moon so she can touch it. But seriously, where do we lose that or what happens in our lives that we stop having such amazing dreams? Do we just give up on them? Do we feel like those dreams can't happen to us? They only happen to other people? I think we all need to sit down once in a while and DREAM!

Think back to when we were younger. What were the things you truly enjoyed? Are you doing what you always wanted? If you aren't, why not? What is stopping you? Whether you want to lose weight, get a promotion, make a career out of something you love, YOU can do it! You just need a plan. Figure out what it is that you aren't happy with in your life and make that a goal. Write down the steps you would need to take to reach that goal. Be specific and give yourself reasonable deadlines to get there. Be accountable for reaching your goals. Tell someone, it doesn't matter who, to help keep you accountable. If you get off track, that's ok. A lot of people do including me. Just regroup and get back on track.

If a career change or just some extra money on the side is going to help you reach your goals, maybe becoming a Beachbody coach would be the perfect fit. If you would like more information on becoming a coach, just fill out the form below and I will send you information. https://rhondamerritt.wufoo.com/forms/z18uka5t00idk5y/

If you need helping losing weight, staying on track with your health or fitness, or want a body you have always dreamed of, then joining a challenge group is the answer. It is a closed Facebook group where we share tips, motivate each other, and help each other stay accountable. I know I wouldn't have had as much success without being part of my first challenge group. Fill out this form if you would like more information on challenge groups. https://rhondamerritt.wufoo.com/forms/m1pqauwx0gprm90/

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