Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why should I have a coach?

What is a coach? How will having a coach benefit me? These are some typical questions that may people have when thinking about starting a new program.
To me, a coach is a person that inspires you to do better. They are there for you to help through struggles and to celebrate your successes. I never thought about myself as being coach material. I've had many interactions with coaches throughout my life. I played softball growing up. My children have all played sports. You can always tell who the great coaches are. They have such a passion for whatever it is that they coach. It means something to them. They swell with pride when someone on their team does well. I came across the coaching opportunity in April 2014. I wasn't sure if I could do it. It scared me a little bit. I didn't want to fail myself or anyone else that picked me to coach them. I really wanted to give it a try though. I thought this would be a great way for me to get my health and fitness on track and stay there. In the process, I have fallen in love with Beachbody, their products, and what they stand for. I became passionate about coaching. I absolutely love what I do. How many people can say that?
As a customer, you may be wondering what a coach will do for you and how will this help you? I did my first YouTube video on coaching. Its a short video. Talk about stepping out of my comfort zone on that one! But I did it and I guess it turned out pretty good. Check it out.

So there it is. That is what you can expect from me as a coach. Here is a recap.
Goals: figure out what your goals are. How much weight do you want to lose? Do you want to gain muscle? Maybe somewhere in the middle and just need help with nutrition. Then break them into smaller steps to get you there.
Challenge group: a challenge group is just a closed Facebook group. Only the people in the group can see what is posted. Every person in the group has decided to make changes to themselves as well. I check in with the group several times a day.
Motivation: I will do everything I can to keep you motivated and on track. Most people in the group with us will. We become each others own cheerleaders. I will share my struggles and experiences and how I have overcome them.
Support: I am here for YOU! Anytime you have questions or concerns, you can always ask. You will have many different ways to contact me and I am just about always available.
I will do my best to tailor the experience to fit YOUR needs. What worked me may or may not work for you. But we will figure out what does together. I want to see you do well and will do everything I can to make that happen. I have passion for this and I think everyone can benefit from having a coach. Honestly, I don't think I would have stuck with my health and fitness if it wasn't for my coach. I believe its a key to success that many are missing in their lives.
If you are interested in having me as a coach, please fill out the short form below and I will contact you shortly.

Good luck with your journey!

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