Sunday, January 4, 2015

Goals for 2015

Everyone has dreams and goals they want to accomplish. Without a plan for reaching those goals, they will always be dreams. I have set a few goals and a timeline for when this year I would like to accomplish these goals. I want to share them with you to keep myself more accountable. This will help me stay on track to get them done. I may add some more as the year goes on but this will get me started right. Here they are:


The first goal is to reach Emerald by March. This is a stepping stone in the Beachbody business. It is helping two people get started right coaching, either as a coach just to get discounts on products or someone who would like to earn some extra money. It is such an honor helping others. It is one thing I have always loved doing even when I worked at the bank.
The second goal I set is to read five new personal development books this year. We work out our bodies and try to do things to take care of them but what about our minds? People can always learn new ways of thinking, new techniques of doing things, or how to handle different situations. I love learning and growing.
Blogging is my next goal. I was really nervous when I first starting blogging. Would people like reading what I have to say? What do I blog about? It is getting easier. I still struggle some. I would like to do a new blog every week about anything I may be So bare with me. I am still learning and I hope you enjoy what I talk about.
We were able to take a vacation in 2014. It was wonderful. This year, I would like to take all the kids with us. This is a difficult feat. James and I have eight kids together and they are starting to spread out since they are getting older. There is two in Texas, one in Florida, and the rest in Pennsylvania. I don't know what we will do. Maybe take another beach vacation or to a theme park. It would be great to have everyone together.
My last goal for 2015 is to lose 10 more pounds. I have never really struggled with my weight. I am very fortunate to have been slim all my life. I can thank a fast metabolism for that. I have gained a few pounds over the years and having five kids hasn't helped that. Now that I am getting older, I realize that the things I have been eating all these years hasn't been the best. I want to be more healthy and feel better every day. Eating clean, drinking Shakeology, and doing some kind of exercise does that for me. I want to tone my body as well. I have always wanted to have rockin, muscular legs.
Well, there you have it. Those are my goals and a little bit about what they are and why I want to reach them. I can use all the support I can get so keep me accountable! Thanks for checking out my goals and I would love to be able to help you with anything you have been dreaming about.
For more information on Beachbody or coaching, please fill out the short form below.

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